The Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial, cast bronze figure and podium, plaza and benches.
Seminal monument with Congressional Recognition. Federal Protected Park status pending.
Commissioned cast bronze sculpture and plaza for Argo Community High School with Till family input.

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial, clay pattern.

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial, clay pattern.

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial, clay pattern.

Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Memorial, clay pattern.

Historic image

Little boy on bike
MLK Living Memorial
Memorial tribute to MLK and the grassroots Fair Housing Marches which took place in Chicago in 1966. Marquette Park, 67th and Kedzie.

MLK Living Memorial

MLK Living Memorial

MLK Living Memorial- detail

MLK Living Memorial - detail

MLK Living Memorial- Aerial view

Carving the relief pattern on wet brick.

Carving the relief pattern on wet brick.

Sonja Henderson and John Pitman Weber

Marching the same path of MLK and the People for the Fair Housing Marches in 1966.
Au/Gold- The Healing Element
Topography, excavation, memory, illumination. Finding oneself through the ancient and futurist landscape of gold.

As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below detail

God Particle I


Cundinamarca detail

Road Less Traveled

Road Less Traveled detail
Right to the Shoreline- Beach Access. Mixed-media installation examining unlawful racial restrictions to public shoreline and land. It also includes Redlining and Racial Covenants.

Right to the Shoreline- Beach Access installation

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail

Beach Access- detail
Chicago Torture Justice Memorial
CTJM concept piece. 111 cast chairs with adornment, pathways and medicinal plants. Healing labyrinth and sacred space dedicated to the Jon Burge torture Survivors.
"Thin Blue Line- Torture Chairs" 111 watercolor and charcoal drawings.

Remembrance Chairs- CTJM (Concept)

Remembrance Chairs- CTJM (Concept)

CTJM- Torture Chair

CTJM 111 Torture Chair drawings-detail

CTJM Torture Chair #45

CTJM- Torture Chair

CTJM- Torture Chair
First Home- Ancestral Lodge
Ancestral Lodge is 1 of a series of temporal structures inspired by our First Home, the womb, and our first Earthly dwellings

Ancestral Lodge
Ancestral Lodge

Sonja Henderson- Ancestral Lodge, The "A" List
Ancestral Lodge- Cast latex detail
Ancestral Lodge- Cast latex detail
First Home
A series of temporal structures inspired by our first Earthly dwellings and the womb.. The temporary structure mimic vaginal canals, pods and nests.

First Home- temporal earthen structures

First Home- temporal earthen structures

First Home- temporal earthen structures